Implementation Strategies & Organization

Implementation Strategies

Innovative Educational System for Societal and Technological Changes
  • Industry-Academia Cooperation
    • Practical training for problem-solving ability

      Re-skilling and up-skilling of students, employees and local residents

    • Specialization of regional hub university

      Innovation center for multi-disciplinary education and human resources development

    • Joint technical research and developments

      Research hub to provide solutions responsive to local industrial demands

  • Educational System Innovation
    • Interdisciplinary virtual academics

      Curriculum reform to cultivate interdisciplinary future talent for new energy industry

    • Flexible credential programs

      Dual-major degree programs, including nano degrees

    • Mass, open on-line courses (K-MOOC)

      Open to the public to narrow the educational gap

  • Convergent Future Talent Cultivation
    • Development of local human resources

      Fostering key skills of creativity, digital literacy, and problem-solving ability

    • Startup-friendly environment on campus

      Hub university for entrepreneurial education and startup lab activities

    • Globalization and localization

      Promote global competitiveness of students and local employees

2-Phase Plan

  1. Phase 1 (2021-2023)
    Phase 1 (2021-2023)
    Infrastructure Build-up

    Reform to convergent educational systems

    • Virtual inter-discilinary academics and laboratories
    • Adopt microcredentials and multi-degree programs

    Collaboration of participating universities

    • Development of standardized curriculums and materials
    • Industry-academia cooperation for field training
  2. Phase 2 (2024-2026)
    Phase 2 (2024-2026)
    Open & Sharing

    Supplementation of the program

    • Revise the contents and extracurricular programs
    • Strengthen the cooperation with energy companies

    Open to the public (employees and general public)

    • Open and share the contents on the K-MOOC platform
    • Collaboration with overseas consortium and institutions

Consortium Organization

  1. Ministry of Education
  2. National Reasearch Foundation of Korea
  3. Convergence and Open Sharing System-COSS
    • Curriculum Deliberation Committee
    • Program Management Committee
7 Participating Universities
7 Participating Universities


Seoul National


Kangwon National

Pusan National

Jeonbuk National

College of
Inform. & Tech.

Cooperating Organizations & Companies
Cooperating Organizations & Companies

Government-funded Research Institutes

Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST)

Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER)

Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute(KERI)

Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)

Solar Energy

Hanwha Solutions OCI Co., Ltd.

LG Electronics Shinsung E&G

Rechargeable Batteries & ESS

LG Energy Solution SK Innovation


Samsung SDI

POSCO Chemical

Hydrogen & Fuel Cell

POSCO Energy

Doosan Fuel Cell


Bloom SK Fuel Cell

Kolon Industries